All Catholic Schools Mass & Grandparents' Day - January 31, 2019

Catholic Schools' Week is the last week of January. There will be lots of activity on campus, including the 2nd Annual All Catholic Schools Mass and Grandparents' Day on Thursday, January 31st*


This event gathers together the current students from every Catholic school in SLO County: St. Rose, St. Pats, OMS and MCP all in the same place, celebrating one of the most distinctive facets of this education together. 

Families are invited to join us for this beautiful event. 


All current students should invite their grandparents to join them and experience life as an MCP student for a day. Grandparents will accompany their student to classes, mass and lunch (on or off campus) on this special day. 

For additional information, please contact Stephanie Buresh, Campus Minister: [email protected]

*Date in handbook is not correct.