Academics » Curriculum & Instruction

Curriculum & Instruction

Academic Philosophy

Our academic program is intended to provide an inspiring formative education, set within a nurturing environment that facilitates our students’ exploration and discovery of their best and truest selves, thereby equipping them to be successful in their future academic, professional, civic, religious, and family lives – embodying traits from the Profile of the Mission Prep Graduate.

Our faculty works to inspire students within the academic program by providing them with a range of course offerings that appeal to their varied skills and interests.

A professional formation program at MCP supports and nurtures the community of professional educators within an environment of accountability to provide for student success in alignment with the mission of Mission College Preparatory: to form women and men of scholarship, inspiration, and leadership.

The task of education at MCP is to facilitate a voyage of self-discovery for students such that intellectual and spiritual growth become hallmarks of their whole lives. The academic program is directed to the education of the whole person. As such, it is aimed at formation of people, rather than just filling up students’ heads. We pursue our formative process through cultural evangelization rather than through rote activities or legalistic approaches.

Our school’s mission statement specifies our way: Mission College Prep creates a culture of care and accountability in partnership with families to form women and men of scholarship, inspiration, and leadership in service to deeper life with God and deeper life with one another. The intended results of this cultural and formative work with our students are reflected in our Profile of the Mission Prep Graduate: ​

Guided by the Mission of MCP to prepare students for lives of intellectual and spiritual growth, graduates are unique individuals who will be:

  • Faith-filled
  • Academic achievers
  • Spirited individuals
  • Ethical decision-makers
  • Effective communicators
  • Compassionate leaders
  • Globally responsible citizens
  • Lifelong learners
  • Steward of one's self

Mission College Preparatory Catholic School is accredited by the Western Catholic Educational Association (WCEA). WCEA accredits Catholic elementary and secondary schools in nine western states (26 (arch) dioceses) and the US Territory of Guam. WCEA co-accredits and is in partnership with three Regional agencies (WASC, NAAS, NCA CASI) and two private agencies (CAIS and HAIS). WCEA began in 1957 in San Francisco and has a long and successful history of assisting school improvement through the accreditation process.