Mission College Preparatory Catholic High School is accepting applications for the 2025/2026 academic school year. To apply for the 2025/2026 academic year, please contact the Enrollment Department at [email protected].
We are thankful for your interest in MCP, and invite you to apply. Mission College Prep encourages all interested families to submit their applications as quickly as possible as class sizes are limited.

Your student will be asked the following questions during the online application process. These questions must be answered in full to complete the application process.
Enrollment Questions:
1) What have you done to prepare yourself for high school, both in and out of the classroom?
2) What do you hope to contribute and accomplish over the next four years?
3) Why do you want to attend Mission College Preparatory Catholic High School?
- Complete and submit the online application which includes a non-refundable application fee.
- A parent/guardian physical signature is required for the release of student records. Please provide the signed Parent Release School Record form to your student's current school and have them return the completed form and educational records to the Enrollment Management Office at MCP.
- A ‘Letter of Recommendation’ from principal/teacher may be required, especially if a student has any inconsistency in academic performance or disciplinary issues.
- A parent or guardian/student interview is required for all applicants. Interviews will be scheduled when the student’s application file is complete.
If you have any questions during the application process, please contact the Director of Enrollment, David Schuster at (805) 543-2131.
Note: Transfer Student or International Applicants follow the same process.