MCP FFA Chapter Update

The MCP FFA Chapter has established their officer team for this school year, Congratulations…


President: Karlie Erskine

Vice-President: Diego Pesquera

Secretary: Kennedy Brough

Treasurer: Matthew Kenefick

Reporter: Reagan Schmitt

Sentinel: Shirley Horzen

Chaplin: Elizabeth Morton

Parliamentarian: Olivia Viera


Here are the FFA chapters upcoming events…

9/19: Chapter Meeting, After school from 3-4pm. ICE CREAM SOCIAL.

                Active FFA membership required.

9/22: Parents Association meeting, 8:30am-9:30am. Sign up required

  • Students will meet in my classroom and we will walk down together, we are there to represent FFA and look out for future events in which we can be a part of. 

9/30: Go for Gold, 8am-1pm, off campus event, sign up required

  • This event takes place at Cayucos Beach and is formatted like "Ag Department Olympics". Students will compete in backyard games, relays, and races against other schools in the San Luis Obispo FFA Section (Paso, Atascadero, SLO, Morro, Coast Union, Templeton). I will provide water, snacks, and lunch for students attending. We will be taking a school van, departing at 8:15am from MCP. 

9/30: Royal Dinner & Auction "FFA Auction Item"- Donations needed, list finalized 9/15

  • This year we will be auctioning off a specialty "FFA Commodities Basket" complete with all of your products and products from local agricultural businesses.

10/11: Opening/ Closing Contest at PRHS- Practice for this speaking event starts next week.


Deanna Payan 

FFA Advisor & Agricultural Educator 

Mission College Preparatory Catholic High School

682 Palm St, San Luis Obispo, CA, 93401

[email protected]