A Letter from the Director of Student Life

Dear MCP Families, 

Warm greetings to all! I trust that each of you enjoyed a wonderful summer filled with cherished moments spent with loved ones. To those who are new parents and students joining the MCP community, a heartfelt welcome awaits you. I look forward to seeing you soon and to the school year ahead.

At the heart of our mission within the student life office is a commitment to crafting an exceptional high school experience for every student. Our aim is to foster a secure environment, one where students can embrace learning while being prepared to face the world that awaits them after graduation. 

We will continue to have our students attend various assemblies/workshops that aligns with our Profile of an MCP Graduate: Faith-Filled, Academic Achievers, Spirited Individuals, Ethical Decision-Makers, Effective Communicators, Compassionate Leaders, Globally Responsible Citizens, Lifelong Learners, and Stewards of Self. Some of the presentations will cover topics such as time management, financial literacy, drugs & alcohol, tobacco/vape, and healthy relationships.

Through a combination of guest speakers, group activities, and discussions, MCP students will continue to learn to be in service to a deeper life with God and a deeper life with one another.  Notifications [via email] will be sent throughout the academic year to keep you informed of these events.

I kindly urge you to review the 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook, which will be distributed when students start school next week and is accessible on our school's website. Our partnership with you is pivotal in ensuring your child's success in the year ahead. There is an enormous amount of important information in the Parent-Student Handbook – please review when possible. I particularly encourage your attention to the sections [pg. 44-46] regarding dress code (Daily Dress and Mass Dress). Adherence to the guidelines and policies outlined in the Parent-Student Handbook is expected from all parents and students.

In keeping your child’s school safe we will continue to conduct our annual emergency drills: Fire, Earthquake and Lockdown [pg. 54-56, Parent-Student Handbook] and periodically have police K9s visit our campus. You will always be notified prior to when these events occur.

New this year is the installation of smoking/vape detectors in the restrooms and locker rooms. The purpose of installing these detectors is not to catch students but rather to give students another reason to make healthier choices. This new addition will continue to help us keep a drug- and alcohol-free environment [pg. 55, Parent-Student Handbook].

Thank you again for choosing Mission College Preparatory Catholic High School and entrusting us with your child’s educational journey.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you, 

Felix Lugo

[email protected]

(805) 543-2131