MCP Distance Learning - Weekly Update

March 26, 2020

Dear Royals Family,

When the Bishop of our Diocese suspended on-campus learning at Catholic schools on March 16 the target date to resume on-campus instruction was April 6.  Yesterday afternoon Bishop Garcia affirmed that the earliest date for re-opening campuses would not be until after our Easter Break, April 9-19.  We will, of course, continue to monitor conditions and communicate changes and updates.  Thank you for your partnership.

Please know, MCP is not ‘writing off’ this academic year.  It remains our plan to reopen campus as soon as conditions permit us to do so safely, and we are confident that once that happens we will be able to promptly re-open and finish the school year.  For now, we continue to take things one day at a time and focus on the things we can control: our attitude and our commitment to becoming our best selves.

Over the past two weeks all of us, teachers and students, have worked very hard, under extremely adverse conditions, and we will continue to do so in the weeks ahead, but tomorrow, March 27, is calendared for MCP’s Day of Greatness.  This is a time for all of us to relax, take some time to breathe, and recharge for the remaining eight days of class (3/30-4/3, 4/6-4/8) before we break for Holy week on Holy Thursday.  Also as calendared, we will take a longer break from instruction to celebrate Holy Week and Easter with family, and then take the time to refill our energy reserves with a much deserved break from studies through the week after Easter.

As we close the second week of Distance Learning today, we want to hear from all parents and students about what has been successful and what could be amended.  Please look for an invitation coming out tomorrow for a brief online survey.  The Administrative team will be gathering the survey results on Monday morning and hope to share them with our faculty that afternoon, so please take a few minutes before then to offer some feedback. 

Please remember that tomorrow is the deadline for early (discounted) registration for next year.  Be sure to complete all three parts of the online registration: the online registration forms, paying the registration fee, and signing the Registration and Tuition Contract, (2020—21 is going to be an absolutely amazing year!).

I sincerely hope that your students feel like they have been appropriately challenged in their studies over the past ten days. When this crisis ends your student will be able to say that despite the challenges, even in the face of extreme adversity, they have continued to grow in scholarship, inspiration, and leadership.

WeWill get through this crisis together.

Yours in Christ,

Mike Susank
