Academics » Academic Support

Academic Support

Mechanisms of care and student support are currently in place in the following ways:

  • When a new student enters MCP, they are provided with academic advising as well as with student mentors who support them in achieving success in and out of the classroom.
  • The teachers of freshmen provide support for new 9th graders by meeting at least 4 times a year to discuss freshman students about whom they are concerned.
  • After-school tutoring is available for an hour after school Monday through Thursday each week for all students.
  • All students and parents have access to their grades, homework, assignments, etc. online.
  • Students are provided with study skills instruction both in classes and individually.
  • Support is given to students through studyhalls and a student support specialist who works with students needing academic skill building.
  • Progress reports are emailed home approximately every six weeks.
  • Advisory meetings for students are held prior to progress reports being emailed home. At these meetings the advisor talks to each student privately and discusses what is working and what is not working.
  • Student Review Committee meetings are scheduled for students and their parents after each marking period for students who have two or more D’s or worse. These students are supported by academics staff and teachers in finding ways to gain the skills, behaviors, and tools, which will lead to academic success.
  • During end of the year faculty meetings, teachers and staff identify students who they are concern about and a discussion of how to best work with this student is held.
  • Student success celebrations are held several times a year, and students who have shown academic excellence are honored for their hard work.