About » Mission and Philosophy

Mission and Philosophy

Our Mission

Mission College Prep creates a culture of care and accountability in partnership with families to form women and men of scholarship, inspiration, and leadership in service to deeper life with God and deeper life with one another.

Our Values

Seeking opportunities in this community to promote scholarship, to inspire, and to forge ethical leadership, our core values include:

  • faithful conviction
  • caring for all individuals
  • accountability for our actions
  • involvement on behalf of the community
  • excellence in all pursuits
  • academic inquiry
  • enthusiasm and joy
  • empowering leadership
  • working for justice and peace
Our “Why” and “How”

Mission College Preparatory Catholic High School is a co-ed Catholic college-preparatory, secondary school in the Diocese of Monterey, striving to be an extension of family and church. Our educational environment fosters the development of the whole person - mind, body, and spirit - by promoting academic excellence, celebrating the unique God-given gifts of each student, and providing students with opportunities to experience God daily. All aspects of our curriculum are designed to promote faith and learning through an integrated curriculum in academics, athletics, the arts, and spirituality. MCP assists parents in the formation of young Christian adults by preparing them to serve God and others. The students' experience of Christian community fosters academic, spiritual, and social growth. Reflecting these values, the MCP motto is: “Becoming Women and Men for Others.”

Profile of a MCP Graduate

Guided by the Mission of MCP to prepare students for lives of intellectual and spiritual growth, graduates are unique individuals who will be:

  • Faith-filled
  • Academic achievers
  • Spirited individuals
  • Ethical decision-makers
  • Effective communicators
  • Compassionate leaders
  • Globally responsible citizens
  • Lifelong learners
  • Steward of one's self